
Emoji Emotions II - Create your own Monster Emoji (Halloween)

After students are capable of identifying and labeling emotions (Emoji Emotions I-Design your own holiday Emoji (Moon Festival)), this content activity is initiated to take on stage with helping students develop their emotional self-regulation skills.

Students will use myViewBoard Roll-A-Dice feature to add their emoji creations and they will have fun seeing the different monster emojis created and their Halloween costume plans.

We specially created Facebook camera filter to let anyone build and share effects for this Halloween! 🦇 👻🧛 🧙 👾 🤖


  • Drag the objects to add features to the monster emoji that matches the emotion words underneath.
  • Drag the monster emojis to match where the emotion falls on the meter to figure out their emotions. Then, drag the Red/Yellow/Green/Blue Signs into four zones.
  • Zones of Monster Regulation: Drag the monster emojis to match where the emotion falls on the zones and use sticky notes to figure out which behaviors can manage emotions to develop coping strategies.
  • Create your own Monster Emoji: Roll the dice to see which face, eyebrow, eyes, mouth, and accessories should be added to the monster emoji creation, and think about what zone the monster is in.
  • Halloween Costume Worksheet: Which suit will you be wearing? Design costumes for Halloween with this worksheet. 
  • Halloween Filter: scan the QR code to open the filter link in the Facebook Camera to build and share your monster face effects for this Halloween, with up to three people in it.